Saturday, February 2, 2008

Black History Month (USA)

Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer

[Beaten for trying to VOTE]

In 1963, Mrs. Hamer and other civil rights workers arrived in Winona, MS by bus. They were ordered off the bus and taken to Montgomery County Jail. The story continues "...Then three white men came into my room. One was a state highway policeman (he had the marking on his sleeve)... They said they were going to make me wish I was dead. They made me lay down on my face and they ordered two Negro prisoners to beat me with a blackjack. That was unbearable. The first prisoner beat me until he was exhausted, then the second Negro began to beat me. I had polio when I was about six years old. I was limp. I was holding my hands behind me to protect my weak side. I began to work my feet. My dress pulled up and I tried to smooth it down. One of the policemen walked over and raised my dress as high as he could. They beat me until my body was hard, 'til I couldn't bend my fingers or get up when they told me to. That's how I got this blood clot in my eye - the sight's nearly gone now. My kidney was injured from the blows they gave me on the back."

To read more about Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer click HERE


iamnasra said...

Thank you for this tribute ...

Linda Jones Malonson said...

It is sad that she is not honored like she should be. Back then, during the civil rights movement, it was always the educated verses the uneducated, and the light skinned verses the dark skinned.

There is so much prejudices and confusion within our own cultures --- it's still is today. Just look at what Bill Crosby said, after he got rich and famous. To me, he is nothing but a raper who paid the women off to keep from going to jail.

That said, thanks for reading about this wonderful sister.

craftytassy said...

I couldnt help but tear while reading many more of this exist around us and we don't even know about...Thanks for sharing!

Linda Jones Malonson said...

Welcome Tassycrafty ... glad you dropped by. I know what you mean, heroines like this are seldom talked about --- I wish I could say I don't know why, but I do.

Wordsbody said...

Interesting and informative site. I will return often.

Linda Jones Malonson said...

Wordsbody, You have a most interesting handle. Glad you dropped in. Just visited your Blog and found it to be very refreshing.